Creating a vegetable garden that's easy to maintain is within reach of all of us : growing vegetables,fruits and aromatic plants is really very easy! Time + organization + the basic rules of gardening + tips for each plant of the vegetable garden = organic food on your plate in no time!And every gardener will tell you that gardening is a real pleasure : the transformation of the vegetable garden over the seasons is really fascinating.A simple return to nature ... And at harvest time in your vegetable garden, it's really satisfying to be able to say "it's me who did it" and "it's natural"! So pick up your tools, and go for it!

Organization of your vegetable garden


Important: Before you start gardening, make sure you're up to date on your immunization against tetanus!

Choose the location of your vegetable garden in your garden.

Take into account different criteria when choosing the location of your vegetable garden :

  • the location in your garden that receives the most sunlight throughout the day
  • a place protected from high winds
  • a place not too far from your home (to facilitate harvest)
  • a place not too far from an access to water (for irrigation)
  • a place not too far from a shelter (for storing your tools)
  • a place not too far from your compost pile.

Organization - map

Plan your garden, taking into account:

  • crop rotation
  • positive and negative associations
  • needs of irrigation for eich plant.

Create each year a map with the organization of your vegetable garden: from one year to another, the memory does not remember everything. Use the tranquility of the winter to perform this task.

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